Judge Vickers L. Cunningham Dallas

Judge Vickers "Vic" L. Cunningham is a former judge in Dallas County. He now runs Bulldog Cunningham Insurance Agency and his law practice of Judge Vickers Lee Cunningham. Both are located in the Lakewood area of Dallas Texas.
Bulldog Cunningham Insurance Agency
6301 Gaston Ave #168, Dallas, TX 75214
When using these drinks, ensure you follow the instructions to a T. That said, you would do well to remember that detox drinks do not promise a 100% clean system. So, there are a few things you should do alongside consuming these drinks: 1. Try to stop consuming weed as soon as you find out about an upcoming test. 2. Start drinking a lot of water and taking natural diuretics to cleanse your system. 3. Consume sports drinks or ones with a ton of electrolytes. 4. You should also be aware that, if you’re on prescription medication, some medications can produce a false positive for THC metabolites. So let the testers know which medications you’re on. Even after you quit using marijuana, metabolites can still be detected for up to one week if you’re an occasional user. If you’re a moderate to heavy user, that period can go up to 4 weeks or even longer. You can speed up the process by engaging in exercise or going to the gym. Breathalyzers available in the market these days cannot detect marijuana. However, new breathalyzer devices are being worked on that can detect it.